Empresas Verdes Argentina SA assumes a policy of responsible management of the environment and respect for the people with whom it works and the communities within its reach.

EVASA adheres to the principles and criteria of FSC® in the long term.

We understand that caring for the environment and preserving the health and safety of all the people involved in the organization are fundamental for the achievement of its business goals, for the sustainability of the project, and for the consolidation of understanding and mutual benefit with the reference communities.

Between 2011 and 2014, EVASA certified all its plantations under the FSC® label, the most demanding of its kind at an international level. Since then, independent auditing companies have carried out exhaustive annual verifications of compliance with its principles, criteria and indicators, which include both aspects of production as well as, and in particular, the social and environmental interactions of production processes.

Responsible forest management aimed at environmental protection implies both the commitment and the regulation and periodic controls of factors such as:


  • Agrichemicals
  • Fire
  • Biodiversity
  • Water care
  • Carbon Fixeng
  • Ground
  • Waste
  • The agrichemicals that the company uses are low impact, with a green label designation and/or are allowed by official control bodies and by FSC®; usage is carried out in a targeted way on the plantation line, affecting only one third of the planted area and only during the first two years after planting. The objective is focused on controlling weeds and ants. After these controls, no chemical products are used during the remaining 16 or 20 years of plantation growth
  • The applications are carried out by trained operators and their safety is monitored through supervision and audits that control the use of the necessary personal protection elements during the operation.
  • EVASA has internal regulations that control the handling of chemical products, constantly monitoring that contamination does not occur.
  • The empty containers of the used products follow a “procedure for the final disposal of hazardous waste” that guarantees that there are no environmental impacts associated with them.
  • EVASA makes an effort to prevent and control fires that may occur, either naturally or because of uncontrolled burns that may occur on nearby properties.
  • To combat it, we have a Fire Prevention and Control Plan, a Forest Operation Center for the coordination of tasks, and two ground brigades made up of 16 people duly equipped and trained to prevent and combat eventual fires. In addition, the company has a network of 6 fire detection towers distributed throughout its estate.
  • All these efforts and resources are also for collaborating in fighting fires in neighboring properties, in other companies or through agreements with local authorities.
  • In this way, we are able to protect our farms and those of nearby communities.
  • EVASA is committed to the balanced management of the estate, leaving representative portions of the local ecosystems that coexist on the property, backed by technical studies from independent entities.
  • In order to guarantee the ecological compatibility of plantations with the environment, the company carries out periodic monitoring of biodiversity, flora, fauna, soil and water conditions, performed by independent research entities
  • Institutional control bodies verify the results of this monitoring and carry out periodic inspections.
Water care
  • The evidence resulting from the water monitoring carried out by institutions contracted by EVASA indicates that there are no significant changes in the hydrological patterns for the areas where the plantations are located, nor in the humid sectors, grasslands and/or surrounding lagoons.
Carbon Fixeng
  • We contribute to a high net carbon fixation in the company’s plantations.
  • 100% of our customers generate as final products construction wood, panels or pallets, whose life cycle is considerably longer than, for example, wood for pulp and/or paper, thus contributing to a more stable and prolonged carbon fixation
  • In our operations, soil removal is minimal and tillage is limited only to the planting line.
  • Monitoring is carried out constantly to detect erosion points, which are controlled.


  • We have a waste management procedure that covers waste from operations (agrichemical packaging), machinery maintenance and household waste.
  • This procedure implies the training of our collaborators in the impact they generate, their correct handling, final disposal and constant monitoring for compliance